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   DAIS 06

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6th IFIP WG 6.1
International Conference on
Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems

In recent years, distributed applications have indeed gained a practical and widely-known footing in everyday computing. Use of new communication technologies have brought up divergent application areas, including mobile computing, inter-enterprise collaborations, and ubiquitous services, just to name a few. New challenges include the need for service-oriented architectures, autonomous and self-managing systems, peer-to-peer systems, grid computing, sensor networks, semantic enhancements, and adaptivity and dynamicity of distribution constellations.

The DAIS conference series addresses all aspects of distributed applications, including their design, implementation and operation, the supporting middleware, appropriate software engineering methodologies and tools, as well as experimental studies and practice reports. This time we welcome in particular contributions on architectures, models, technologies and platforms for interoperable, scalable and adaptable systems that are related to the latest trends towards service orientation and self-* properties.